Investing in Volunteers Workshop
Healthwatch Birmingham Investing in Volunteers Workshop is taking place on the 21st May at Healthwatch Birmingham’s offices in Edgbaston.
Healthwatch Birmingham is an organisation that involves the valuable contribution of volunteers. To publicly demonstrate our commitment to volunteering and the standard of volunteer management we offer to our volunteers Healthwatch Birmingham has signed up to work towards and be assessed against Investing in Volunteers.
What is Investing in Volunteers?
The Investing in Volunteers standard is made up of a range of practices that an organisation should be carrying out if it is following good practice in the management of volunteers. The Standard is based on the four areas of volunteer management: planning for volunteer involvement; recruiting volunteers; selecting and matching volunteers; and supporting and retaining volunteers. You can access a free copy of the standard and can get more information at
What is the process for achieving Investing in Volunteers?
The first step is an Introductory Workshop for key staff, management and volunteers. After this, Healthwatch Birmingham will complete a review of present practices against the standard, design and carry out a development plan of actions required to meet any gaps in preparation for an assessment visit. If successful, we will be presented with the Investing in Volunteers Award and can use the above logo for three years. This will raise the profile of our work and could help with volunteer recruitment and sourcing funding.
Are we up to Standard?
We are already carrying out a number of the practices outlined in the standard. Most organisations working towards the standard will have gaps in their practices. It may be that some practices are being carried out informally but need to be formalised or that certain practices are not being implemented consistently throughout the organisation.
What will be included in the Introductory Workshop?
This workshop will be facilitated by an Assessor. The workshop will give an overview of the Investing in Volunteers UK Standard, the accreditation process and get us to consider how we will manage and promote the process internally.
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