Oncology – Patient feedback event

Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG, working with and on behalf of NHS England, are currently undertaking a robust programme of engagement activity regarding oncology services in the area.

Patients are being asked to help develop options for the future of some cancer services in Sandwell and West Birmingham.

We are working in partnership with local people, patients, their carers and their communities in the redesign of the way in which cancer and chemotherapy services is developed and delivered for patients within Sandwell and West Birmingham.
We have successfully delivered two patient engagement events to date, which have resulted in the patients having a say in the development of future options for the review of cancer services in Sandwell and West Birmingham.
We’d like to invite you to the third event in the continuing programme of engagement to help re-design cancer services.
We’re asking patients, carers and the public to take part in the selection of a shortlist of options, which we will go out to consultation on later this year.

If you would like to attend the event please book by emailing the below address, or calling the telephone number provided:

  • Email: SWBCCG.engagement@nhs.net
  • Telephone: 0121 612 1447


May 16 2018


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

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West Bromwich Albion Football Club
The Richardson Suite, West Bromwich Albion Football Ground, Birmingham Road


Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG

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