Complain to the care home

Your first step should be to contact the Home Manager, as speaking to them informally may resolve your concerns.  If you are still unhappy,  put your concerns in writing to them at the care home address.

The Home Manager should provide you with their complaints policy.

Alternatively, you could contact their Head Office.

Birmingham City Council Adult Social Care Services

If the care home is funded by the local authority, and the problem hasn’t been resolved by raising it with the care home, then Birmingham City Council can investigate your concerns. 

Telephone them on 0121 303 5161 (option 1) or find other contact details.

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman

If you’re unsatisfied with the response from the Home Manager or Birmingham City Council, then you can approach the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.  This includes care that is funded privately without council involvement.  Find contact details and further information

In addition, the Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England.  They do not assist with complaints, but will record any concerns you have about health and social care providers for future investigations.  Contact them on 03000 616161 or see more about making complaints.

Birmingham Advocacy Hub

If you feel you would benefit from the support of an advocate, please contact the Birmingham Advocacy Hub provided by POhWER. This is a one-stop shop for advocacy services in Birmingham and is completely independent of the NHS. They offer support to make a complaint and provide someone to help you through the process.

You can call them on 0300 456 237 or email      

Find out more about how advocacy can assist you 

Contact Healthwatch Birmingham

If you require any further information or help, please contact us on (freephone) 0800 652 5278 or email


Making a complaint

How do I complain about a GP?

As a first step, put the complaint in writing to the GP surgery’s practice manager. 

Find out more

How do I complain about a hospital?

PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Services) provide information about the NHS.

Find out more

How do I complain about a dentist?

If you are not happy with your dental treatment, or believe you should have fees refunded, you should first follow the dental surgery’s own complaints process. 

Find out more

How to escalate a complaint

Find out who to contact if you’re unhappy with any health or social care service.

Find out more