Consultation event: NHS England over the counter medication consultation

NHS England have launched a public consultation on reducing prescribing of some over-the-counter medicines.

They want to encourage everyone who is interested to participate in the consultation and have organised several engagements events to provide more information on the consultation and process.
Friday 9th February, 2:00pm-4:00pm
These prescriptions include items for a condition:

  • That is considered to be self-limiting and so does not need treatment as it will heal of its own accord;
  • Which lends itself to self-care, i.e. that the person suffering does not normally need to seek medical care but may decide to seek help with symptom relief from a local pharmacy and use an over the counter medicine.

Vitamins/minerals and probiotics have also been included in the consultation proposals as items of low clinical effectiveness which are of high cost to the NHS.
The aim of this consultation meeting is to provide you with information about the proposed national guidance and to seek your views about the proposals.


Feb 09 2018


2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

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Jury's Inn
245 Broad Street


NHS England

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