Healthwatch Birmingham has published our Annual Report for 2015/2016

June 27, 2016

Annual Report front page header titleHealthwatch Birmingham’s Annual Report details our impact and activities over the past year to place patients and the public at the heart of health and social care service improvement.
You can read and download the report via our Reports page here
It includes key information and case studies and highlights:

  • A growth in people sharing their experiences with us: our improvements to the online Feedback Centre, community engagement activities and the adoption of our Feedback Centre Widget by health and social care system partners is encouraging more people to share their feedback about local services.
  •  Our investigations and reports are creating real impact for patients and the public: Investigations, like our Young People’s Perception of Patient Centre Primary Care in Birmingham engaged with over 300 young people about their experiences and highlighted issues that matter to them. Commissioners and providers are taking action to improve services, as a result of the recommendations we make.
  • Patient and public involvement (PPI) is at the heart of our strategy: all of our activities focus on promoting the involvement of patients and the public in service decision-making and care quality improvement. Case studies within the annual report detail how our work is creating real benefits for service users: from posing challenges in the commissioning of new services and improving standards, to using patient feedback to mobilise the investigation of local service providers.

Andy Cave, Chief Executive Officer, stated: “2015/2016 was a successful year of transformational change, growth and achievement. Our annual report reflects our clear ambition to become a leading Healthwatch. We will continue to drive our strategy forward, working to create even greater impact for patients, the public, service users and carers.”
Details of our board, our volunteers, finances and key priorities for the forthcoming year are included within the report. We will be sharing the report with Healthwatch England, the Care Quality Commission, NHS England, local clinical commissioning groups, the Health, Wellbeing and the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Birmingham City Council.
If you require an accessible format version of the report please get in touch by emailing

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