What We Do

Listening to what you think about local health and social care services
We provide patients and the public with a stronger say about the services they use. We listen to what people like about services, and what could be improved. This could be about general practices, hospitals, dentists, opticians, pharmacists, nursing and residential homes or care received in the community.
Find out how to share your views.
Making sure health and social care services respond and act upon your views
We investigate the issues people tell us matter to them in our reports focusing on improving services. We have the power to ensure that those organisations that design, run or regulate NHS and social care act on them make our recommended changes based on people’s views. We also help health and social care providers design and improve better services through our Quality Standards and responses to consultations and Quality Accounts.
Find out how we make a difference.
Helping you find information about local care and services
Our free and confidential Information and Signposting service guides people towards health, care and wellbeing support to meet their needs and help them make informed choices about their care. We also provide details of appropriate services to support you if you have concerns or complaints about your experiences of health and social care services.
Find out how we can help you.
Reaching out into the community
Our volunteers go out into different communities, putting us in touch with Birmingham’s diverse population. We also work with other voluntary organisations to make sure the city’s most vulnerable citizens have their voices heard.
Find out about getting involved with our work.

Sharing your experiences of health and social care with us improves services for you, your family, friends and everyone in Birmingham.

Healthwatch Birmingham is independent of NHS and social care services.