You said, we did: patient experience prompts further investigation

July 11, 2016

Speech Bubble Infographic for TwitterAfter receiving feedback about a local care home, Healthwatch Birmingham escalated concerns to the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
Recently, we received several pieces of feedback from patients through our online Feedback Centre. Trends from the reviews reported the following issues:

  • Staff communication with residents and visitors was poor, with residents left unattended on occasion.
  • Attention to residents’ personal care was lacking.
  • Residents’ care plans were not fully adhered to, which placed their safety at risk.
  • Gaining access to the building was difficult for visitors.

As a result, Healthwatch Birmingham contacted the CQC, who stated that they would get in touch with the registered manager and provider to address the issues raised.

Improving local health and social care through your feedback

Patients’ and the public’s experiences are collectively used to challenge service providers, ensuring they are delivering quality care and making improvements where needed.
Your voice counts: the Feedback Centre is just one of the ways you can share your experiences with us. Please share your feedback of local health or social care services with us via

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