Birmingham City Council Budget 2019+Consultation
Birmingham City Council wants to hear your views on their latest budget. This online survey includes questions about:
- Which services are important to you.
- Your views on next year’s rate of Council Tax.
You can choose whether to comment on all questions, or just those you select. Specific groups of service users will also be consulted where appropriate. Healthwatch Birmingham will be responding on issues relating to health and social care services, including those issues that have an impact on these two areas. You can respond directly to the consultation or send Healthwatch Birmingham your views and we will include these in our response.
The Council will be a public consultation event on Wednesday, 19 December 2018, 6-8pm at Council House Banqueting Suite, Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BB, and a business rate payers meeting on Wednesday 12 December 8:30-9:30am in the Chamberlain Room, Council House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BB.
To book your place please visit where you can book tickets and find the Budget consultation 2019+ document and proposals.
This consultation closes on 31 December 2018.