TAKE PART – NHS England: Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) review
February 26, 2020
Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) take patients to and from their homes, to their care provider, for planned appointments and treatment. NEPTS are for patients who:
- Have a condition such that they need additional medical support during their journey
- Find it difficult to walk
- Are the parents, guardians, or children, of patients who need transport
A review into NEPTS was announced following the publication of reports highlighting specific challenges with patient transport services.
NHS England would welcome your insight, examples, and data, on the challenges to the service, good practice and innovation, and ideas and solutions.
For more information please see https://www.engage.england.nhs.uk/survey/nept-review-call-for-evidence/consultation/intro/ or contact nhsi.neptsreview@nhs.net
The consultation closes on 13th March 2020.