Better care in my hands: A review of how people are involved in their care – Care Quality Commission

May 20, 2016

From the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
The CQC have published Better Care In My Hands: A review of how people are involved in their care, which describes how well people are involved in their own care and what good involvement looks like.
This report is based on newly analysed evidence from their national reports and inspection findings, as well as national patient surveys and a literature review. It identifies what enables people and their families to work in partnership with health and social care staff and illustrates this with good practice examples from our inspection findings.
Their key findings

  • Just over half of people asked say they feel definitely involved in decisions about their health care and treatment.
  • Women who use maternity services are particularly positive about how well they are involved in decisions about their care.
  • They found examples of good practice of people’s involvement in their care in our inspections over the last year.
  • There has been little change in people’s perceptions of how well they are involved in their health or social care over the last five years.
  • Some groups of people are less involved in their care than others. They are:
    • Adults and young people with long term physical and mental health conditions.
    • People with a learning disability.
    • People over 75 years old.
  • They have also reported a lack of progress over the last six years in involving people in their care when they are detained under the Mental Health Act.

For full information, including access to the report visit:

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