Healthwatch Birmingham celebrates successful transformational year with appointment of new Chief Executive Officer and Chair of the Board

May 5, 2016

To continue driving Healthwatch Birmingham’s strategy and vision going forward, we are delighted to announce the appointment of Andy Cave as the new Chief Executive Officer and Brian Carr into the role of chair of the board.
Andy joined the senior management team in October 2015 as Head of Operations and Public Involvement. He will now take over from Interim CEO, Candy Perry, who successfully led the organisation through the design and implementation of a new strategic approach and transformation in the last year. Brian Carr, Chief Executive of Birmingham Voluntary Service Council (BVSC), will be in the role of chair until June 2017.
Announcing the appointments, Brian said: “I’m honoured that the board have appointed me into the role of chair of Healthwatch Birmingham and I look forward to working with the team to continue the organisation’s development and its support for the citizens of Birmingham. I would like to say thank you to the Interim Chief Officer, Candy Perry, for her passion and vision in leading the organisation through this transformation.
I’m delighted that we are in a position to announce Andy Cave’s appointment into the role of permanent Chief Executive – his extensive experience of contributing to and leading independent and voluntary sector organisations leave me in no doubt that Healthwatch Birmingham is in very good hands for the future.”
Charles Ashton Gray, Service Lead – Commissioning Centre of Excellence, who commissions Healthwatch Birmingham on behalf of Birmingham City Council similarly acknowledged the strides the organisation has taken over the last 12 months and the increasing impact it is achieving.
“Healthwatch Birmingham is achieving its responsibilities in arguably one of the most complicated health and care economies in England. Over the last 12 months the organisation has turned itself into a force to be reckoned with; it’s developed new capacity and capability to effectively listen to people’s experiences of using health and care, and use these to cause real change. Healthwatch Birmingham has created a unique role in our health and care system and is well positioned to hold us all to account for reducing avoidable health inequity in the city.”
Healthwatch England’s Head of Network Development, Andy Payne also acknowledged the successful transformation Healthwatch Birmingham has achieved: “Candy Perry and the team have worked hard showing commitment and passion to drive the organisation forward to meet the needs of patients and the public in Birmingham. After a challenging start for Healthwatch Birmingham, it has grown to become a credible and trusted organisation with partners and stakeholders and I am sure Andy Cave will continue the great work.”
The new strategy has received welcome support from Birmingham’s Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) who have recognised the value of effective partnerships with Healthwatch Birmingham in driving service improvement for patients. Dr Diane Reeves, Accountable Officer for NHS Birmingham South Central CCG stated: “We would like to congratulate Andy on his appointment and to reiterate our support for Brian and the board. Birmingham South Central CCG is committed to continued joint working with Healthwatch Birmingham to ensure that we keep in tune with the needs and experiences of our patients, as well as strengthening local commissioning decisions.”
Sharon Liggins, Chief Officer for Partnerships at NHS Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG stated:We would like to congratulate Healthwatch Birmingham on the appointment of Andy Cave and Brian Carr.  Their expertise and passion will help partners drive forward service improvements across health and social care in Birmingham.”
Carol Herity, Associate Director of Partnerships for NHS Birmingham CrossCity CCG said: “It is absolutely essential for us to continue to have an effective and strong partnership with Healthwatch Birmingham, in order for us to continuously improve the way that we engage with local people and understand their experiences of the healthcare services that we commission.
We recognise and thank Candy for the positive contribution she’s made in her time with Healthwatch and also welcome Andy and Brian’s appointments. We look forward to continued strong working relationships with Healthwatch Birmingham and building on the work of the past year.”
With the backing of the board, Andy will be leading the implementation of a new involvement and community engagement strategy for the organisation, which will be delivered with the support of our volunteers.  A volunteer welcomed the announcement:  “As a volunteer for Healthwatch for the past three or more years I have been involved through a number of different roles, and feel that the work of Healthwatch Birmingham is vital to promoting public involvement in the healthcare of this city. I am certain that Andy will keep this necessary involvement and be an asset to both the volunteers of Healthwatch and the people of Birmingham.”
Andy said: “I am delighted to be appointed into the role of Chief Executive Officer for Healthwatch Birmingham and would like to thank the board and Candy for their support. The year ahead is an exciting one for the organisation; we are welcoming new staff and building on the great work we have already achieved. The focus is now growth and ensuring patients and the public are at the heart of service change and improvement in health and social care in the city.”

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