Help to improve care for people with psychosis

June 19, 2024

A new study is looking for diverse people with experience of psychosis and multiple long-term conditions.

People living with psychosis experience more long-term physical conditions and shorter life expectancy. Black and minority ethnic people more often experience psychosis, social disadvantages and poorer access to effective care.

The NHS and University of Oxford want to understand how health and social services can improve the care of people from diverse ethnic groups living with psychosis and multiple long-term conditions. 

Patient experience can inform better design of primary, specialist hospital and social care, so the research will ask people about their experiences of psychosis using photographs and other creative approaches.

The research consists of three workshop sessions and participants will receive £20 per session.

To take part you need to:

  • Be from an ethnically diverse group
  • Be over 18
  • Have experience of psychosis and at least two physical health conditions

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