Take part in our investigation into vision rehabilitation services.
Do you, or anyone you know, use Vision Rehabilitation Services provided by Birmingham City Council?
Our next study will examine barriers to accessing sight loss services. We want to speak to service users about their experiences, good or bad, as the basis for our research.
We would like to interview people either face-to-face or over the telephone. If you would like to participate in this project and help improve support for people with sight loss, please complete the survey below, and find details for further information.
Create your own user feedback survey
For further information call 0800 652 5278 / 0121 636 0990 and speak to Chipiliro Kalebe-Nyamongo, Jane Upton, or Ghazanfar Khan Monday – Friday (9am – 5pm) or email chipilirok@healthwatchbirmingham.co.uk with your contact details.