Opportunity to join the General Osteopathic Council Patient and Public Partnership Group

December 14, 2015

Patient & Public Partnership Group

  • Would you like to be involved in developing information for patients and the public?
  • Are you interested in standards of osteopathic practice?

The General Osteopathic Council (GOsC), the regulator of osteopaths in the UK, has established a Patient and Public Partnership Group to work more closely with patients to improve their services, better protect the public, and provide patients and the public with the information they need about osteopathic practice.
Members of the Group:

  • provide a patient and public perspective to inform the GOsC’s work
  • assist in developing GOsC communication materials.

How the group operates
The group is mainly a ‘virtual group’, communicating via email or post. Those who wish to join who do not have access to the internet can make comments by post or over the phone. If it would be helpful for specific issues, meetings are held in discussion (focus) groups, in which case reasonable expenses and vouchers are provided. Focus groups are held across the UK.
Who can join?
You need to be over 18 years old to join the group and there is no upper age limit. Experience of osteopathic care is not essential. The GOsC is looking to include members from across the UK.
Membership of the Patient and Public Partnership Group is a voluntary position.
Further information
To apply to join the GOsC’s Patient and Public Partnership Group and/or for more details contact Sarah Eldred, Communications Manager on 020 7357 6655 x245 or email seldred@osteopathy.org.uk

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