The report summarises our achievements and impact to shape better health and social care services for patients and the public in Birmingham.
The report highlights an increase in people engaging with our service and shows a growth of over 50% in people sharing experiences about their care. It also details our work to support citizens to get the information they need, with over 300 people accessing our Information and Signposting service to get links to health and care support.
Through a range of case studies, it reveals the extensive work we have done over the past year to share more patient feedback with system regulators, commissioners and providers to create better outcomes and maximise improvement for people using health and care services.
More patient experience being heard and used to influence better services
Through our investigations and activity, there are now improvements to local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) complaints’ feedback processes, the quality and provision of mental health support, the monitoring of access to primary care and to the patient involvement of residents and their families in nursing and residential homes. We have also raised the quality of patient and public involvement processes through our Quality Standard by working with over 11 organisations, NHS England West Midlands and the local CCG.
Improved access to information and signposting for people
We have seen a growth in people contacting our Information and Signposting service to get the links they need to make informed choices about their care. We have supported more people with details such as patient rights, policy information to understand their care, how to access wellbeing support or how to raise concerns and complaints.
Stronger strategic role in the city and in communities
The importance of our role, our knowledge and expertise are more embedded through the health and social care system, working to raise the quality of care in the city. Our expertise in best practice patient engagement was highlighted in the Care Quality Commission’s recent local system review. We are also building real value in communities. Our community offer is building stronger relationships and value as we work with local groups to engage and listen to more people in their own communities who may not usually speak up about their experiences.
Healthwatch Birmingham Annual Report 2017-2018 | Download File (pdf 4.49 MB) |