Healthwatch Birmingham is proud to present our 2023-24 annual report, showing how we have used what local people have told us about their own experiences of health and social care services to drive the changes they need.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Annual Reports 2024

Every piece of feedback we collect is vital to our mission to tackle health inequalities in Birmingham, and this year we have heard from more people from more diverse communities. By acting as the voice of those least likely to be heard, this year we have addressed issues such as:

  • Maternity care for Black African and Black Caribbean women
  • Access to community mental health services
  • Impact of the cost-of-living crisis on people’s health
  • Support for prostate cancer patients
  • Patient safety at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB)

At a time when the NHS and local authority services for vulnerable people are under great pressure, Healthwatch Birmingham’s role as an independent public champion is more vital than ever. Such important work would be impossible without the invaluable contributions from our staff, volunteers and partner organisations, and – most importantly – the thousands of Brummies who have shared their views with us for the benefit of everyone in the city.

Annual Report 23-24 Download File (pdf 1.26 MB)

By reporting what we hear to services, and working with them to ensure the changes they make are what people have told us they want, Healthwatch Birmingham puts service users at the heart of decisions about local health and social care. - Richard Burden, Chair, Healthwatch Birmingham

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