Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull’s response to plans for the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Provider Collaborative (MHPC).
We shared feedback from the Healthwatch Birmingham report Access to mental health services for children and young people in Birmingham: what needs to change? and the Healthwatch Solihull report Young People & Self Harm: What support is available from self-harm services and how does it impact young people and their families? with a focus on barriers to accessing mental health services.
We supported the main principles in the plans:
- Provide more help locally, e.g. in GP practices, schools, family hubs and other
settings - More early help and support will be provided to help people who are experiencing difficulties at an early stage and prevent them getting worse
- Services will be better connected and integrated with the voluntary sector working more closely with the NHS
- Services will be made more accessible and inclusive for all our communities including those with learning disabilities, autism, neurodiversity and under-represented communities
- Better use of digital and online resources e.g. more self-help information
online, online appointment booking, improved websites, electronic referrals etc. - More support and contact whilst waiting for NHS care
- Children, young people and carers will be involved in the ongoing review of how well services are working and helping improve them
We also asked for more clarity on what care, support and interventions look like as part of the improvement plans.
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