Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to NHS England’s consultation on improving the NHS process for people to report concerns and complaints about care.
Based on the feedback Healthwatch Birmingham has received from service users concerning safety issues, we highlighted the below:
- Ensure that digital incident reporting and complaints logging systems are accessible to people with sensory disabilities. This can be done by providing
text-to-speech and speech-to-text features, as well as accessible screen layouts and navigation. - Provide support for people whose first language is not English by providing translation services and culturally appropriate support materials.
- Make it easy for people to report incidents and complaints without having to use a digital device. This can be done by providing phone numbers and
drop-off boxes for paper-based incident reports and complaints. - Provide timely and informative feedback to people on their incident reports and complaints. It should also include information about the actions that
have been taken or will be taken in response to the incident report or complaint. - The organisation should prioritise learning from mistakes and improving services being offered. When something goes wrong, a thorough review or investigation should be conducted which will involve all relevant stakeholders, including staff, partner organisations, and service users.
- Provide support to people who have experienced a safety incident or who have made a complaint. This support can be provided through phone calls,
emails, or in-person meetings.
Learning from People about Things That Go Wrong in the NHS | Download File (pdf 30.83 KB) |