Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull responded to NHSEI West Midland’s call for patient experiences and concerns around access to NHS dental services.
We shared feedback that we collected between April and July 2020 through our covid-19 survey and rolling gathering of feedback.
Key issues raised in the feedback shared include:
- Lack of information about accessing dental services with most service users seeing their service closed.
- Accessibility of information about services for people with sight loss, learning disability or language barriers.
- Information and advice about self-care and the safety of services.
- Quality of services and fees.
- Problems with registering as NHS patients and lack of clarity around NHS and private treatment.
- Long waiting times for treatment
- Lack of clarity on referral pathways and waiting times
- Appropriate use of guidelines such as removing patients from practice lists and around safety.
NHSEI West Midlands: Understanding patients experiences and concerns around access to NHS dental services | Download File (pdf 508.20 KB) |