In addition to sharing feedback about people’s experiences of accessing walk-in-centres in West Birmingham, we welcomed the CCG’s engagement process.
We were pleased to see that at the pre-consultation stage, the CCG had carried out an equality impact assessment that informed the engagement. We also noted that the CCG used a range of methods to engage and involve the public and that the consultation documents used clear language with any jargon explained. We believed this enabled the CCG to reach a wide range of people and groups.
We were also pleased to see that the CCG have made clear how people’s views will be taken into consideration, and outlined in a consultation report which will be presented to the CCG’s Governing Body. Outlining this helps people to understand the process that the CCG uses when making decision, and transparency on this can only increase people’s satisfaction that their views have been heard.
Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG: The future of walk-in centres in Sandwell and West Birmingham listening exercise | Download File (pdf 296.60 KB) |