Lacking the even the most basic care
Do not send your loved ones here. CQC has rated it 'Inadequate' and rightly so. This home is incapable of even the most basic care and communication. No matter what you say to management (if there is a manager - they've spent a good chunk of time in the last couple of years without one) nothing changes. In a home that is meant to specialise in dementia care none of the staff seem to know how to treat those with dementia. There is currently a flu outbreak in the home which by the time they had told relatives via email and put the most basic protection measures in place (masks and hand washing for visitors) had already resulted in hospitalisations - this includes my nan who was clearly not being adequately observed, was so ill she was taken to Resus and who will most likely not recover. They also like to cover up any negative comments made publicly - they have removed my comments and blocked me from their Facebook page just for stating the truth.