Reviews (10)

Very kind and helpful

June 10, 2024
Very helpful and kind staff. Dentist explained everything in detail and was careful during the procedure.

Receptionists are very good.

June 4, 2024
They are very good. They make an appointment every 6 months. Receptionists and staff are very good.

Very good here

February 7, 2024
Explained everything. They were really nice. Treatment is very good there. I need a replacement for all of my teeth though and I am not being referred on.

Knows how to engage with young kids.

November 30, 2023
My daughter received excellent treatment over there. The dentist is very polite and skilful and knows how to engage young kids.

A good scale and polish.

October 30, 2023
They are alright. I had an appointment a month ago and they were alright. Good scale and polish.

They gave me an appointment

August 24, 2023
They are good was easy making an appointment, they gave me an appointment after 3 weeks. I am not sure if I can book an appointment 6 months in advance. 3 weeks wait is fine for me. They are professional and friendly. No problem at all.

Had to wait for couple of weeks

August 24, 2023
They are alright. There were couple of times when I needed an emergency appointment and they couldn’t do it for me and had to wait for couple of weeks.

They're okay so far

July 14, 2022
They're okay so far. I've managed to get through to them over the phone and make a check up appointment.

Had to wait over a month for an appointment

July 14, 2022
My son who is non verbal had stopped eating due to pain with his teeth, I had explained this situation to the dentist and said I'd have to wait over a month for an appointment for him. They then tried to cancel the appointments last minute, which I told them they couldn't do. When we got there they didn't even look in his mouth properly.

They're okay

June 29, 2022
They're okay, I am able to get appointments with them for routine checkups.

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Rookery Road Dental Surgery


0121 554 3622

220 Rookery Road
West Midlands
B21 9QG


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