Reviews (6)

Good staff and very well stocked.

July 9, 2024
Good staff and very well stocked.

Usually have my medication in stock.

February 26, 2024
They're okay, they're fine. Sometimes they don't have things in stock but often they will have the medication. They will give paracetamol and ibuprofen over the counter but if you need antibiotics they won't be able to give it so you have to go to the GP anyway.

Good at giving advice.

February 6, 2024
They are good at giving information. I went to them the other day regarding my daughter's ADHD medication and they gave information how to take it.

Really good. Really fast

September 26, 2023
They're really good. They sort out all the medications. They phone me when it's ready after it's been ordered. Really fast at dispensing things.

Brilliant, staff are great

September 26, 2023
Brilliant. Lovely. Repeat prescriptions they will deliver and staff are great. Really fast at dispensing the medication too.

Good and quick

September 26, 2023
They're good. Good and quick. I don't have to wait long. If they don't have something they'll ring me when the rest is ready.

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Saydon Pharmacy - Alphega Pharmacy


0121 772 6051

B10 0UF


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