Healthwatch Birmingham is dedicated to reducing health inequalities by listening to the experiences of seldom-heard groups and those with complex needs. Working with local organisations is key to us being able to improve health and social care services for people from all groups and backgrounds in Birmingham.

By working together we can:

  • Hear feedback from your service users about the issues and services that affect them.
  • Report your service users’ views directly to health and social care organisations and include them in our investigations into services.
  • Provide your service users with personalised information about health and social care.
  • Develop the skills and knowledge of your volunteers and staff.

For more information please contact or 0121 636 0990

YMCA Birmingham’s partnership with Healthwatch Birmingham is very useful to us. It gives our young people a voice when it comes to opinions on external services, and allows this generation to have a say on what they want and need from the services they rely on so much. In my experience, complex young people often slip through the cracks. With our partnership, we can ensure that our residents are invited to have their say and feel that they are contributing to a much needed systems change.

James Holdcroft, Shine Project Worker, YMCA Birmingham

Our current partners include:

The residents at HMP Birmingham value the truly independent option of escalating their personal healthcare concerns to Healthwatch as it allows their voice to be heard and problems solved by an external source.

Trevor Urch, Inside Recovery & Service User Involvement Manager, HMP Birmingham