Healthwatch Birmingham launches new Volunteers Bulletin

June 1, 2016

volunteers bulletin header

To celebrate national Volunteers Week (1st – 12th June 2016), Healthwatch Birmingham have launched our Volunteers e-bulletin.

Exclusively for our volunteers, it will share latest announcements, upcoming community engagement events and opportunities for our volunteers to get involved.
The new e-bulletin will be published quarterly and will be emailed directly to our volunteers. We are also asking for suggestions about what content they would like to see included in future bulletins.
About Volunteers Week
Volunteers Week is an annual celebration of the amazing contribution volunteers make across the UK. We would like to say a huge thank you to our volunteers, who are vital to our activities. Their commitment and passion is helping us support, engage with and listen to more people across Birmingham who are using health or social care services.
You can find out more about volunteering with Healthwatch Birmingham via:

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