An alternative way to get a consultation with your GP
From NHS England
NHS England is supporting local GP practices to offer Online Consultations. These are an alternative way for patients and carers to have a consultation with their practice.
Using a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone; patients and carers will get the appropriate response from the most relevant member of the general practice team including a GP to get a prescription, a referral to a hospital or clinic, advice on how to manage symptoms or signposting to another service. If necessary, an appointment will be made for you to come into the surgery.
Online Consultations are designed to be an alternative, quicker, easier and more convenient service for those who can’t get to their practice or who don’t want to wait for the next available appointment.
This should also help GP practices to reach more patients and manage appointments more effectively.
Lots of people are already using their practice websites to make an appointment, get test results, order a repeat prescription or to view their summary records, so this is a simply a further service being made available to current systems.
NHS England want to find out what the public think about Online consultations. Take the survey here.
The survey is open from Tuesday 8th May and closes on Friday 15th June 2018.