Are you a patient at Five Ways Health Centre? Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG want to hear from you

October 18, 2019

Below is a letter from Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG inviting patients of Five Ways Health Centre to share their views on the future of the practice. 


Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG
Kingston House, 438-450 High Street,
West Bromwich, B70 9LD

October 2019

Dear Patient,

We are writing to you as a patient of Five Ways Health Centre

As you may be aware, NHS Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG buys local healthcare services on behalf of the local population, and one of the services we are responsible for purchasing is the GP Surgery at Five Ways Health Centre.

Five Ways Health Centre was rated as ‘inadequate’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in February 2018 and was placed into ‘special measures’.
The CQC is the independent regulator of health and social care in England, with the purpose to make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care.

Following on from the letter that we sent to you in September 2019 informing you that Five Ways Health Centre had permanently closed, we now want to take the opportunity to listen to your views on the two options available to the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), this is to either:
• Disperse the Practice List: which means that the CCG will work with you to find another local GP surgery for you to register with
• Re-procurement: which means the CCG will try to find another healthcare organisation to deliver the GP service permanently, which may be from other premises

As your local CCG we have a responsibility to inform and consult you on the proposed changes.

Therefore, we would like to invite you to join us to discuss the proposed plans and get your views on these as well as answering any questions, concerns or suggestions that you may have. We have three meetings in place and the details are below:

Monday 28th October 2019
@ 10 am, Ladywood Health and Community Centre, 222 St Vincent Street West, Birmingham B16 8RP

Thursday 7th November 2019
@ 2 pm, Ladywood Health and Community Centre, 222 St Vincent Street West, Birmingham B16 8RP

Tuesday 12th November 2019
@ 6 pm, Ladywood Health and Community Centre, 222 St Vincent Street West, Birmingham B16 8RP

Alternatively, you can complete the short questionnaire by using the link

Or requesting a paper copy from the Engagement Team on 0121 612 1447 or by emailing

If you require this letter in your own language please contact the Time2Talk team on 0121 612 4110 or by emailing

Si vous souhaitez obtenir une copie de cette lettre dans votre langue, veuillez contacter l’équipe Time2Talk, qui se chargera de vous en faire parvenir

Caso você precise esta carta no seu próprio idioma, contacte a equipa Time2Talk para receber uma copia traduzida.

إذا احتجت هذه الرسالة بلغتك، الرجاء الاتصال مع فريق Time2Talk لكي يرسلوا لك هذه الرسالة بلغتك.

در صورت تمایل به مطالعه این نامه به زبان خود، خواهشمندیم با تیم Time2Talk تماس بگیرید تا این نامه به زبان مادری
برای شما فرستاده شود.

Jeżeli chciał(a)by Pan/Pani otrzymać niniejszy list w swoim języku, prosimy o kontakt z zespołem Time2Talk, który zajmie się przesłaniem listu do Pana/Pani.

Visit for the latest updates.

As a patient you will always have the choice of where you wish to receive your health care and for your information we have listed a number of practices at the end of this letter that are within a 1 mile radius of Five Ways Health Centre.

Yours Sincerely,

Jayne Salter-Scott

Jayne Salter-Scott
Head of Engagement and Communications
Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group
Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG
Kingston House, 438-450 High Street,
West Bromwich, B70 9LD

Nearby Practices:
• Karis Medical Centre, Waterworks Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B16 9AL
• Broadway Health Centre, Cope Street, Ladywood, Birmingham, B18 7BA
• Bath Row Medical Practice, Attwood Green Health Centre, First Floor – The Colston Suite, 30 Bath Row, Birmingham, B15 1LZ
• Modality Attwood Green, Attwood Green Health Centre, 2nd Floor, 30 Bath Row, Birmingham, B15 1LZ
• Hockley Medical Practice, 60 Lion Court, Carver Street, Birmingham, B1 3AL

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