Birmingham City Council – Adults Social Care Day Opportunities Consultation 2019
Birmingham City Council is consulting on its draft Day Opportunities Strategy and proposed draft service model. The consultation commenced on 8 April 2019 and runs until 4 August 2019.
The purpose of the consultation is to give people the opportunity to consider the proposals set out in the draft Day Opportunities Strategy for Adult Social Care and the draft Day Service Model as outlined in the draft strategy. You can give the Council your view in the following ways:
- Attend a public consultation meeting or provider event if you are a current or future provider.
- For citizens and carers who attend council run day centres, there are scheduled meetings at your centre. Speak to day centre staff for details.
To reserve your place at a public or provider consultation event, use relevant link.
Book onto a public consultation event on Eventbrite – there are three additional events for July and August.
Book onto provider consultation event on Eventbrite – one additional event in June.
- Complete the consultation questionnaire. This can be done online or using a paper copy.
We ask you to read three key background documents, alongside the draft strategy.