Continuing Care for children and young people (under 18s) Commissioning Options Survey
From Birmingham CrossCity Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Birmingham CrossCity CCG would like to hear your views on continuing healthcare (CHC) for children and young people.
Your feedback will be used to inform how the CCG develops further it’s CHC strategy and end of life care policy.
Some children and young people have very complex health needs. These may be the result of congenital conditions (a disease or physical abnormality present from birth), long-term or life-limiting or life-threatening conditions, disability, or the after-effects of serious illness or injury.
For those children and young people with the capacity to develop independence, the aim of Continuing Care should be to support children and young people to manage conditions themselves with a full understanding of the implications of their condition.
These needs may be so complex that they cannot be met by the services which are routinely available from GP practices, hospitals or in the community commissioned by CCGs or NHS England. A package of additional health support may be needed. This additional package of care has come to be known as Continuing Care.
Because of the complexity of some needs, the CCG has a limited range of options available to them when they want to commission a package of care. Currently some packages are delivered in a person’s own home (often called domiciliary care or home care) and some are delivered in a hospice. Generally these are not delivered at Birmingham Children’s Hospital as the demand for hospital beds is on the increase. They cannot generally be offered in a care home with or without nursing.
The CCG would particularly like to hear your views on how it can improve upon Continuing Care services across the city.