Early Years Health and Wellbeing Services Consultation
From Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHC).
Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (BCHC) has been successful in its bid to deliver the new Birmingham early years health and wellbeing service in partnership with a range of organisations. The new service, commissioned by Birmingham City Council, will bring together the current health visiting service and children’s centres, creating local ‘early years hubs’ where families can access the help they need from pregnancy until their child starts school.
They are seeking people’s views on proposals for a new service model that will bring support services together in local areas.
The proposal within this consultation will not effect the nursery services or early education provision.
Find out more about the new partnership at: http://www.bhamcommunity.nhs.uk/bchc-news/early-years-partnership/
Find out more about the consultation and share your views at: https://www.birminghambeheard.org.uk/people-1/eyconsultation/
Consultation closes on the 17th August 2017.