Have Your Say – The Future of Dr Majeed’s Practice, 63 Rupert Street, Bloomsbury Health Centre

September 3, 2019


Are you registered with Dr Majeed at Bloomsbury Health Centre?


NHS Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG buy local healthcare services on behalf of the local population, and one of the services we are responsible for purchasing is the GP Surgery, Dr Majeed at Bloomsbury Health Centre.

Dr Majeed’s practice was rated as ‘requires improvement’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in 2018 and were placed into ‘special measures’.


The CQC is the independent regulator of health and social care in England, with the purpose to make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care.


In July 2019,  primary care service has temporarily moved to The Nechells Practice. NHS Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG now want the opportunity to listen to your views on the two options available to the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), to inform the decision they make on the future of the Practice:

  • Disperse the Practice List: which means that the CCG would work with you to find another local GP surgery for you to register with
  • Re-procurement: this means the CCG would try to find another healthcare organisation to deliver the GP service permanently, which may be from other premises


As your local CCG they have a responsibility to inform and consult you on the proposed changes.


Therefore, they invite you to join us to discuss the proposed plans and get your views on these as well as answering any questions, concerns or suggestions that you may have. We have three meetings in place and the details are below:


Monday 9th September 2019 @ 9.30am, The POD, 28 Oliver Street, Nechells, B7 4NX

Thursday 12th September 2019 @ 6.00pm, The POD, 28 Oliver Street, Nechells, B7 4NX

Wednesday 18th September 2019 @ 2.00pm, The POD, 28 Oliver Street, Nechells, B7 4NX


Alternatively, you can complete the short questionnaire https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Q2KTH2Y

or you can ring to speak to a member of the Engagement team on 0121 612 1447 or email SWBCCG.engagement@nhs.net

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your GP practice you can contact Time2Talk team on 0121 612 4110 or email: SWBCCG.Time2Talk@nhs.net

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