Survey – Mental health and wellbeing services: Sandwell and West Birmingham
November 10, 2017
From Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group
Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group (SWB CCG) are part of your National Health Service (NHS), we plan and commission (buy) local health services on behalf of the local population.
Currently, we are taking the opportunity to review and reflect on current local mental health and wellbeing service provision.
Every year one in four people will experience mental health illness. Good mental health and wellbeing is important for everyone. We need your help to shape mental health and wellbeing services for the future. We need to understand by hearing your feedback what health and wellbeing services should look like so that together we can understand how to enable people to access good mental health and wellbeing services in Sandwell and West Birmingham.
You can share your views by completing their questionnaire at: