TAKE PART – SEND parent and carer survey – November 2019
This survey is an important milestone to see if the improvements we have made in services for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are reaching Parents and Carers in Birmingham.
Following an Ofsted and the CQC inspection of the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) service in June 2018 an action plan was drawn up to address the weaknesses identified. Since then, improvements have been made in the following areas:
– Customer service and responding to email and phone calls
– How all services are contributing to Education Care and Health Plans
– The way the ‘voice’ of young people is heard in understanding their ambitions
– The way staff are trained
– How young people aged 14 and above are supported to become young adults
– The launch of a new Parent and Carer Forum
– How they are working with parents and carers, and listening to the feedback given to them
– Investment in NHS therapy services to reduce waiting times, and improved support whilst children are waiting
– The way complaints are managed and how they are learning from complaints.