Patient Focus Group – Have your say on diabetes education courses
From Diabetes UK
Help us to help other diabetes patients
We would like to invite people to participate in an informal group chat (for no longer than two hours) to listen to your thoughts and experiences. It will be a relaxed environment and we’ll also provide refreshments. For more information download the invitation here.
Our aim is to learn from your experiences
We’ll discuss a range of questions such as:
- Was a diabetes education programme offered to you?
- If so, did it meet your needs? If not, why?
- How do you believe education programmes could be improved?
The information gained from these discussion groups will help us understand where we can make improvements to better meet the needs of patients.
There are four separate group sessions:
- 18th October, 10.00am , Room 3, Saffron Centre, 256 Moseley Road Highgate Birmingham B12 OBS
- 18th October, 14.00pm , Room 3, Saffron Centre, 256 Moseley Road Highgate Birmingham B12 OBS
The other sessions take place on the 17th and 27th October.
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