Care Quality Commission publishes Diabetes Review

September 15, 2016

From the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
The CQC has published My diabetes, my care: Community diabetes care review, which looked at people’s experiences of diabetes care across England and the support they are given to self-manage their condition.
The review considers how well care services work together to deliver high-quality diabetes care. It also makes a number of recommendations for how health and social care commissioners, providers and professionals should work together to improve diabetes care and prevention.
Read the full review via

Review conclusions

The ‘My diabetes, my care’ review, highlights that – despite a mostly good picture of care overall – the provision of care and support to help people successfully self-manage their condition is not always flexible and responsive enough to meet individual needs.
The review discovered that people at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes were not always identified and supported to become healthier. Some people felt they were not receiving enough emotional support – providing this support at diagnosis and beyond can contribute to more effective self-management and increase engagement with services and attendance at structured education programmes.
CQC saw many examples that others can learn from, including local commissioners and providers proactively engaging with individuals and communities, and innovative methods to increase people’s ability to self-manage. The review also highlighted that people who had attended structured education courses felt it improved their ability and confidence to manage their diabetes. Where these courses were less likely to be accessed, for example by people from black and minority ethnic (BME) groups, some local services were able to show how they were providing culturally relevant information, support and training to people in their local community.

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