Healthwatch Birmingham's Feedback Centre re-launch seeks to increase public feedback on health and social care

March 31, 2016

Healthwatch Birmingham re-launches our online Feedback Centre aimed at encouraging more people to share their experiences of health and social care.

The Feedback Centre provides patients and the public with a route to have a stronger say about the services they are using. People can feedback about GPs, pharmacists, hospitals, dentists, care homes and community based care.
Improvements to the Feedback Centre include the addition of the Friends and Family Test question which asks people whether they would recommend the services they have used. Latest updates will also mean service providers have the right to respond to feedback submitted by the public about their services. We are encouraging providers to respond to views directly and demonstrate good patient care and engagement.
The re-launch aims to boost awareness of the Feedback Centre and increasing the number and quality of experience data shared with Healthwatch Birmingham. This can help identify which services are working well or where change is needed. Importantly, it will drive improvements in quality of care. Enabling the public voice to be heard by those who commission and deliver services remains key to ensuring health and social care is responsive and meets people’s needs.
Andy Cave, Head of Operations and Public Involvement said:
“Healthwatch Birmingham provides the only local, independent feedback route for people in the city. We want more patients and the public to the share their experiences of health and social care where they live. This active involvement plays a crucial part in shaping local service design and improvement.
The re-launch of the Feedback Centre is just one of the ways we are strengthening our commitment to the public. There will be regular communications and community engagement planned throughout the coming year to engage with citizens and maintain awareness.”
Ways in which Healthwatch Birmingham listen to patients and the public:

  • Through our online Feedback Centre. The quick and easy form captures a summary of experiences and ratings of key quality indicators like care, explanation of treatment and waiting times. Feedback can be submitted anonymously.
  • Feedback Postcards. Complete and post our Feedback Postcards which can be found in GP practices, hospitals, dentists, community wellbeing centres, care homes and more.
  • Getting in touch directly by calling 0800 652 5248 or emailing
  • In person – look out for our active team of volunteers and our stands in your community. We will also be holding listening events throughout the year.

Feedback Centre experience data has already made a difference. We have received over 700 pieces of feedback experience for a range of health and social care services. This has instigated more research, investigations and reviews of services and a greater understanding of how people are accessing local health and social care provision.
Experience trends through the Feedback Centre have led Healthwatch Birmingham to carry out and complete an investigative survey into young people’s experiences of patient centred primary care in Birmingham. This report will be released in April 2016. People’s experiences through the Feedback Centre have also led to collaboration with regulatory bodies such as the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to monitor and review specific services to suggest improvements.
If you want to find out more about Healthwatch Birmingham and how we use feedback visit: or get in touch.

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