Latest News
Season’s greetings!
We would like to thank everyone who has helped us to improve local health and social care services in 2023.
Do you need help with the cost of living?
The costs of things like food, power and heating means many people are feeling stressed about money at the moment.
Share your views on NHS orthodontic services
The local NHS is asking children, young people and their parents and carers about their experiences of using NHS orthodontic services in Walsall and Birmingham.
Antibiotic Amnesty
Why you should return old or unused antibiotics to your nearest pharmacy during November.
What does continuity of care mean to you?
Share your views at a workshop in central Birmingham on Friday 24th November.
Share your thoughts on Birmingham City Council’s new Domestic Abuse Strategy
Whether you live or work in Birmingham, you can play a key role in our city’s response to domestic abuse.
Sandwell and West Birmingham Youth Forum
Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust (SWBH) is looking for young people to help shape future services.
Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull statement on sexual harassment at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB)
The Trust’s focus must be on its duty of care and continued support for staff who have suffered any form of harassment and raised concerns.
Welcome to our Board Volunteer Representatives
We are delighted to announce that longstanding Board Volunteer Representative Tim will now be joined by Jenny, emphasising the varied skills and experience volunteers bring to our work.
World Mental Health Day: Help to improve mental health care in Birmingham
Last chance to share your views on NHS Community Mental Health Services.