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Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull statement on West Midlands Ambulance Service
Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull is extremely concerned about the current situation at West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust (WMAS).
What we heard about health & social care in January to March 2022
Find out what people told us about the local services they use.
NHS Community Diagnostic Centres now open
Patients in Birmingham can now get a quicker diagnosis at NHS Community Diagnostic Centres.
Can you help NICE update guidance on complex fractures?
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) produces guidance on the most effective ways to prevent, diagnose and treat disease and ill health, and provide social care support.
We’re recruiting!
As Community Engagement Officer you will collect people’s feedback about the health and social care services they use.
Do you use day centre or day opportunity services?
We’re investigating the quality of support for people with disabilities or other needs.
Improving services for people with vision impairment
We investigated visual impairment rehabilitation services provided by Birmingham City Council.
What we heard about health & social care in October to December 2021
We heard most about hospitals, followed by GPs, mental health services, dentists, social care and pharmacies.
Fighting health inequalities
Following our report into health inequalities in the Somali community, people from ethnic minority groups in Birmingham will benefit from improved engagement from health and social care services.
Help The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital create a wellbeing-focused community room
The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital will soon be delivering physiotherapy and musculoskeletal services from ‘The ROH Health and Wellbeing Hub’.