State of Caring Survey 2019

May 14, 2019

Carers across the country are being encouraged to share their views and experiences as part of the national State of Caring Survey 2019.
From Carers UK
The survey is due to close on the 24th May 2019.
The time you take to respond to the survey provides us with incredibly important evidence that enables us to:

  • Campaign for more support for carers and those that you care for
  • Understand how services and support are delivered, and influence the people that commission and design support for carers
  • Gather evidence of the impact of policy changes made by the UK and devolved governments

We need your help to paint a picture of what it’s like to be a carer in 2019.
We need your evidence to push carers up the agenda for policy makers and to campaign for recognition and change. In the next year we want to bring your voice and experience to the heart of decisions about:
Spending on care and support services: The way carers are recognised and supported will be a key part of the Government’s social care policy proposals expected soon. Decisions made will affect carers in England but also social care spending across the UK.
Financial support for carers: Campaigning to improve financial support for carers remains our top priority and we’d like to hear about how caring has affected your finances both in the short term and how you are able to save for the future.
Improving carers health and wellbeing: How the NHS puts into practice commitments to act on identifying and supporting carers earlier and ensuring they have plans in place for when they need the back up of health and care services. We also want to understand how we could support people who are caring to look after their mental and physical health by being more active. We know that carers face challenges to taking part in exercise or sport and we’re keen to see how we can help address those.

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