Healthwatch Birmingham is proud to present our annual report for 2021-2022, demonstrating our commitment to tackling health inequalities and our success in improving health and social care services for the people of Birmingham.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Annual Reports 2022

Over 8,000 people shared their experiences with us during the year, which we used to drive positive changes such as:

  • Better support for children and young people with mental health conditions
  • Improvements to visual rehabilitation services
  • Increasing Covid-19 vaccine uptake in the city’s most deprived communities
  • Working with the NHS and service users to produce health information materials and videos in different languages
  • Helping NHS services design and implement strategies to reach groups experiencing health inequalities

The report also outlines our top three priorities for the next 12 months:

  1. Use our position on the Birmingham and Solihull ICS to ensure the experiences of local citizens drive the changes needed for improvement
  2. Improving access to primary care and mental health services
  3. Ensuring support for those waiting for treatment

Thank you to everyone helping Healthwatch Birmingham in this important work:

  • People who shared their experiences with us
  • Health and social care staff providing amazing care under incredible pressure
  • Commissioners and providers making the improvements people want
  • Our dedicated staff, board members and volunteers
  • Voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations helping us hear the views of the people they support

Annual Report 2021-2022 Download File (pdf 544.74 KB)

The needs of patients and the public must be central to the design and delivery of health and social care services. This report shows what can be achieved when services truly listen to what people want, and work closely with them to make the improvements they need. - Richard Burden, Chair, Healthwatch Birmingham

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