This report details the impact of our Enter and View reports into four local care homes, including the action that the local authority has taken in response. 

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Impact Reports 2018

Healthwatch Birmingham conducted an investigation based on Enter and View visits to four nursing and residential homes. These helped us respond to Birmingham City Council’s (BCC) consultation on its proposed Adult Social Care Commissioning Strategy. We obtained face-to-face or written feedback from 26 service users, three relatives and 11 members of staff.

Impact Report: Patient and public involvement in nursing and residential care homes Download File (pdf 131.93 KB)

In order for all service providers to hear and act on service users’ feedback, there will need to be a ‘culture shift’. This might take time. However, it is vital that Birmingham City Council uses the views of service users to buy and allocate adult social care packages. If done properly, this will increase the quality of publicly funded nursing and residential homes, as well as domiciliary care. Councillor John Cotton, Birmingham City Council

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