Reports Hub
Latest Reports > 2021

Birmingham Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy: Creating a Bolder, Healthier City
Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to Birmingham City Council’s draft strategy to to tackle the factors that impact upon health and wellbeing across service boundaries.

Staying Independent at Home
Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to Birmingham City Council’s draft policy for delivering the Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) to protect and assist vulnerable citizens who require aids and adaptation in their homes.

Revoking vaccination as a condition of deployment across all health and social care
Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to the Department of Health and Social Care consultation on revoking vaccination as a condition of deployment across all health and social care.

Access to mental health services for children and young people in Birmingham: what needs to change?
Children and young people in Birmingham are struggling to access support for mental health problems on the NHS, our investigation into services provided by Forward Thinking Birmingham (FTB) reveals.

Aligning the upper age for NHS prescription charge exemptions with the State Pension age
Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to the Department for Health and Social Care’s proposal to raise the upper age that people can qualify for free NHS prescriptions from 60 to the state pension age of 66.

Experiences of lockdown: Birmingham and Solihull residents’ experiences of health and social care during the second national lockdown in England
‘Experiences of lockdown: Birmingham and Solihull residents’ experiences of health and social care during the second national lockdown in England’ examines the challenges local people faced accessing health and social care services during Winter 20/21.

BSol ICS: System Prioritisation Framework
Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to Birmingham and Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group’s (BSol CCG) draft framework for the prioritisation of resources.

Triple Zero City Strategy Consultation
Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to Birmingham City Council’s draft strategy to reduce deaths and overdoses linked to drug and alcohol misuse.

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust 2020/21
Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull statement on University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust’s Quality Account for 2021/22.

Mental Health Units (Use of Force) Act 2018 statutory guidance
Healthwatch Birmingham’s response to the Department of Health and Social Care’s draft guidance on preventing the inappropriate use of force and ensuring transparency and accountability about the use of force in mental health units.
- Investigations 28
- Impact Reports 16
- Annual Reports 7
- Consultations 73
- 2020 17
- 2019 11
- Quality Accounts 27
- 2018 11
- 2021 19
- 2017 3
- 2016 2
- 2022 32
- 2023 16
- 2024 28
- 2025 1