Latest Reports

Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust: Patient and Community Engagement Strategy


Improving the quality of patient and public involvement undertaken by providers and commissioners of health and social care is a key aim of our PPI Quality Standard. We often use the principles of the standard to comment on PPI when providers and commissioners engage with the public. 

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Consultations 2020

Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG: Improving services for people with Osteoporosis (weakened bones) in Sandwell and West Birmingham


We welcomed the CCG’s plan to ensure that it stops variation in accessing NHS-funded services across the CCG population and ensuring that access is equal and fair. However, we highlighted that the effectiveness of this service in meeting the needs of West Birmingham residents will depend on how they are implemented and the principles that govern their implementation. 

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Consultations 2020

NHS England: Primary Care Networks Service Specifications


Our response to the PCN service specification focused on highlighting the current concerns that service users tells us about accessing GP services. We also shared the findings from our study on ‘what matters most: support people want from general practices in Birmingham’ to highlight what people value from GP services. We therefore asked NHS England to consider these experiences in the implementation of the specification noting the additional pressures this placed on GPs.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Consultations 2020

Getting the help you need – How PALS are supporting patients in Birmingham


Getting the help you need – How PALS are supporting patients in Birmingham investigates people’s experiences of contacting NHS Patient Advice & Liaison Services (PALS).

By Healthwatch Birmingham

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