Latest Reports > Investigations

What matters most: support people want from general practices in Birmingham


‘What matters most: support people want from general practices in Birmingham’ investigates what people with a range of conditions want when they visit their general practice. These included people living with mental health problems, autism, dementia and brain injury.

By Healthwatch Birmingham

What’s it like being in a hospital waiting room?


‘What’s it like being in a hospital waiting room?’ investigates people’s experiences of waiting in the following hospitals:

  • Birmingham Children’s Hospital (Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Birmingham City Hospital (Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust)
  • Birmingham Dental Hospital (Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre (Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust)
  • Birmingham Women’s Hospital (Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Good Hope Hospital (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Heartlands Hospital (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation
  • The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital (Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) 
By Healthwatch Birmingham

Direct Payments in Birmingham: Choice, control and flexibility


‘Direct Payments in Birmingham: Choice, control and flexibility’ investigates the experiences of local citizens using Direct Payments to access social care support and services.

By Healthwatch Birmingham

An independent review of the current patient and public involvement practice of the merging Birmingham South Central, Birmingham CrossCity and Solihull CCGs


An independent review of the current patient and public involvement practice of the merging Birmingham South Central, Birmingham CrossCity and Solihull CCGs was produced in partnership with Birmingham CrossCity Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and Healthwatch Solihull.

By Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull
Investigations 2018

Patient involvement and complaints systems


Patient involvement and complaints systems investigates the importance of Clinical Commissioning Groups using complainant feedback to improve the quality of their complaints systems.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Investigations 2017

Can patients with a clinical need access emergency General Practice appointments in Birmingham?


Can patients with a clinical need access emergency General Practice appointments in Birmingham? is based on feedback provided to the Healthwatch Birmingham feedback centre, comments gathered by engagement, as well as follow up conversations with GPs. Overall people felt they should be seen more easily when describing their condition as urgent. 

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Investigations 2017

Is every person in Birmingham who is diagnosed with a serious mental illness provided with a care plan?


Is every person in Birmingham who is diagnosed with a serious mental illness provided with a care plan? was written following a review of local findings about the provision of care plans for mental health patients. Overall the majority of people that needed a mental health care plan had one (80%). Nevertheless there were a significant number without a plan (20%).

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Investigations 2016

Young people’s perception of patient centred primary care in Birmingham


Young people’s perception of patient centred primary care in Birmingham reveals indicators of avoidable health inequity which could have lasting implications for the way young people use health services for the rest of their lives. It provides a glimpse into children and young people’s actual experience of using primary care services and offers an insight into the ways that services need to be improved.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Investigations 2016

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