Reviews (48)

Takes time to get through

February 20, 2023
I've got my first appointment with the mental health nurse next week. Can get appointments sometimes its taken a bit of a while to get through but that's everywhere isn't it.

Very frustrating trying get through by phone

January 9, 2023
Call 8am , waiting 45 minutes, get to number 1, then cut off. Try again, another 35 minutes, get to number one, again cut off.
In honesty, would be less frustrating if they just said they couldn't take your call at the start, at least then you wouldn't spend ages waiting for someone to answer, when they're not going to answer the call anyway.

Nice GP's but difficult to get them!

August 18, 2022
It is not just my GP surgery but all surgeries should be offering the ability to book appointments on line, I sat on the phone Tuesday for 34 mins waiting in a queue just to try and get an appointment, it's ridiculous, no wonder A&E is over used! I also think that ALL staff ie physio etc should be working shifts so that the hours 8am-8pm are covered, I am sure lists could be reduced. The nurses and some doctors have to work 24/7 but others seem to go home by 4.30pm! Since COVID it has become more and more difficult and frustrating to get a GP appointment, I feel sorry for the elderly who need the care but cannot get it. When I do see a GP they are very good and professional but it's the hurdles you have to jump before you can even get an appointment. I am also on a waiting list to see bone specialists and told there is a 28 week wait just for the initial appointment which does help with pain.If I could afford to go private I would in a heartbeat!


August 18, 2022
Receptionist service is very welcoming and supportive. Always able to get appointment for my children. Always get back to me.

Really nice and knowledgeable doctors

August 18, 2022
Helpful and knowledgeable doctors. Can easily get a telephone appointment. They will also see you face to face after a telephone conversation. Doctors are really nice and they're consistent.

Feel like we have to look after ourselves

August 18, 2022
Not easily able to see a GP without and inquisition. Feel that we have to look after ourselves. I have MS and Husband has Bowel Cancer. At no time has anyone rung to see how we are coping. They are giving the impression of not caring.

Same day appointments

August 18, 2022
I can't fault them. You can get appointments, you ring at 12pm and they give you a same day appointment. It's over the telephones unless its for the nurse or Midwife and if you need it, you get one face to face.

Do their best not to see you

July 14, 2022
You can't get in there, you ring them up to make an appointment and can't get one. I feel like they do their best not to see you if they can help it.

See nurse for Asthma review

July 13, 2022
I visit the nurse at the surgery every 6 months for my asthma review. They're good and send out reminder letters when my appointment is due.

Very good

July 13, 2022
They're usually very good. Although the last time I tried to get a repeat prescription, I couldn't get through, but this is very unusual for them.

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Wychall Lane Surgery


0121 628 2345

11 Wychall Lane
Kings Norton
West Midlands
B38 8TE


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