Latest Reports

Is every person in Birmingham who is diagnosed with a serious mental illness provided with a care plan?


Is every person in Birmingham who is diagnosed with a serious mental illness provided with a care plan? was written following a review of local findings about the provision of care plans for mental health patients. Overall the majority of people that needed a mental health care plan had one (80%). Nevertheless there were a significant number without a plan (20%).

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Investigations 2016

Young people’s perception of patient centred primary care in Birmingham


Young people’s perception of patient centred primary care in Birmingham reveals indicators of avoidable health inequity which could have lasting implications for the way young people use health services for the rest of their lives. It provides a glimpse into children and young people’s actual experience of using primary care services and offers an insight into the ways that services need to be improved.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Investigations 2016

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