Latest Reports > Investigations

Access to mental health services for children and young people in Birmingham: what needs to change?


Children and young people in Birmingham are struggling to access support for mental health problems on the NHS, our investigation into services provided by Forward Thinking Birmingham (FTB) reveals. 

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Investigations 2021

Experiences of lockdown: Birmingham and Solihull residents’ experiences of health and social care during the second national lockdown in England


‘Experiences of lockdown: Birmingham and Solihull residents’ experiences of health and social care during the second national lockdown in England’ examines the challenges local people faced accessing health and social care services during Winter 20/21.

By Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull
Investigations 2021

Health Inequalities: Somali people’s experiences of health and social care services in Birmingham


‘Health Inequalities: Somali people’s experiences of health and social care services in Birmingham’ is based on interviews with members of the city’s Somali community, examining the challenges they face accessing health and social care services.

By Healthwatch Birmingham

What care and support did Birmingham citizens need during the Covid-19 lockdown?


‘What care and support did Birmingham citizens need during the Covid-19 lockdown?’ examines over people’s experiences of accessing health and social care support in Birmingham during the Covid-19 lockdown.

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Investigations 2020

What challenges do people with sight loss face accessing vision rehabilitation services in Birmingham?


What challenges do people with sight loss face accessing vision rehabilitation services in Birmingham? examines the experiences of individuals who had accessed vision rehabilitation services provided by Birmingham City Council. 

By Healthwatch Birmingham
Investigations 2020

Getting the help you need – How PALS are supporting patients in Birmingham


Getting the help you need – How PALS are supporting patients in Birmingham investigates people’s experiences of contacting NHS Patient Advice & Liaison Services (PALS).

By Healthwatch Birmingham

NHS Long Term Plan Report: Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull


‘NHS Long Term Plan Report: Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull’ examines what people want to see included in the NHS Long Term Plan to improve services based on local needs.

By Healthwatch Birmingham and Healthwatch Solihull

What matters most: support people want from general practices in Birmingham


‘What matters most: support people want from general practices in Birmingham’ investigates what people with a range of conditions want when they visit their general practice. These included people living with mental health problems, autism, dementia and brain injury.

By Healthwatch Birmingham

What’s it like being in a hospital waiting room?


‘What’s it like being in a hospital waiting room?’ investigates people’s experiences of waiting in the following hospitals:

  • Birmingham Children’s Hospital (Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Birmingham City Hospital (Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust)
  • Birmingham Dental Hospital (Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre (Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust)
  • Birmingham Women’s Hospital (Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Good Hope Hospital (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Heartlands Hospital (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust)
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation
  • The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital (Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) 
By Healthwatch Birmingham

Direct Payments in Birmingham: Choice, control and flexibility


‘Direct Payments in Birmingham: Choice, control and flexibility’ investigates the experiences of local citizens using Direct Payments to access social care support and services.

By Healthwatch Birmingham

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