Reviews (44)

Excellent service

April 14, 2021
Excellent service, A health care professional is always available to speak to over the phone and if needed they ask you to come in to surgery.

Most of the reception staff are rude

October 5, 2020
Most of the reception staff are rude and don’t communicate properly.

The doctor doesn’t visit us at home.

October 5, 2020
My wife is bedbound for the last few years. Whenever she gets a urine infection I have to take urine samples for tests to the surgery, the doctor doesn’t visit us at home.

They can call me to make sure that I am fine

October 5, 2020
I am a diabetic and it has been more than a year since I had an appointment with a diabetic nurse. This year because of COVID 19 they haven’t given any appointment so far. At least they can call me to make sure that I am fine and doing well.

Very aggressive receptionist

August 1, 2020
It's a very distressing and strange time for everyone especially the elderly, so having to take my 77 year old mother to the doctors for an appt was an ordeal in itself as she is shielding. Imagine the disbelief when walking through the door masked and gloved only to be verbally shouted at by a very aggressive receptionist shooing us out of the door ranting about not being allowed in. Perhaps if a notice was in plain sight on the door advising what the procedure is upon your arrival then the incident could have been avoided. Her attitude and behaviour were uncalled for and totally unprofessional. Not only did she keep ranting she was incapable of listening as my mother tried asking how she tells the nurse she is here, the receptionist shouted l am not arguing with you! Obviously in the wrong job. On a better note the nurse was in complete contrast, professional and a credit to her profession and the surgery.
We are all feeling the effects of Covid but we expect our professionals to be just that. We are all trying to play our part and be kind to each other.

The surgery needs more organisation

September 12, 2018
I feel the surgery needs more organisation and also more information regarding opening times and doctor’s availability.

waiting time/system for appoin ridiculous,

September 7, 2018
Let’s think about thoses unable to use internet, attended surgery 7:30am, Doctors or receptionist Don’t start until:8:30 , then you are called in order of ticket taken off counter to be seen. What a joke. But I must add. The receptionist from other surgeries operating in the same building were present very early in the morning. With a lovely warm smile.

Mixed Review

September 6, 2018
Doctors are brilliant but spend too long with patients. More information on the days doctor work needed (Information Pack). Receptionist don’t listen to patients some staff are better than others. Unevenness in case lots of people queuing for an emergency appointment at 7:30. Waiting times long for appointments.
Tom Hoque

Dr listens and gives patient's confidence

November 22, 2017
The Doctor, I would recommend to anybody throughout the UK. As totally professional at all times and prepared to listen to patients. Talking to the patient with a professionalism and also with patient in a professional manner, and gives patient confidence in NHS treatment. And allowing patient to ask questions in relation to diagnosis of treatment, and explaining your medical treatment, and prepared to support the patient at every level, and building confidence and treatment for patient. Dr is a credit to our NHS. An ex member of the community health council 1992 - 2000.

Cannot get an appointment to see a doctor AM

April 20, 2017
Cannot get an appointment to see a doctor in the morning. Told to go to Erdington walk in clinic. Given wrong medication previously.

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Reservoir Road Surgery


0121 465 2950

192 Reservoir Road
West Midlands
B23 6DJ


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