Reviews (53)

Terrible services

November 30, 2021
Terrible services. No appointments and they don’t pick telephone at all.


November 10, 2021
My husband had symptoms and was seen the following day by the practice which was a good service. However following this he struggled to get the results for his tests after verbally being told they were okay but we wanted official confirmation.

He also struggled with non-specific symptoms of tiredness and so given the blood bottle shortage we elected to have some private blood tests taken which was shared with the GP. I am a GP myself and felt as though I was having to be my husband’s doctor because we were unable to arrange an appointment to discuss the blood test with a doctor.
Despite going into the Practice on several occasions to arrange an appointment we were promised a call back which never happened.

The system that the Practice use it is very frustrating because you are not able to pre-book for non-urgent things. Every contact with the practice requires an 8 am phone call and I had to go to the practice in person because the phone lines simply cut off when one rang at eight. When I tried to book a routine appointment for my husband, I was not able to and was promised this call back which never materialised. In the end we had to make a complaint which being in a GP myself and knowing the pressures my colleagues are under I didn’t wish to do but it seemed to be the only way to get a response.

I know some practices are using the system of calling on the day for everything to manage workload and in our experience it was just not workable. On top of that we didn’t receive the callback that we were expecting. For people who work it really isn’t possible to achieve care.

Consequently we have lost faith that the practice will be available if we really do need them urgently and are in the process of looking for another practice .

Please address this system of not being able to pre-book appointments, it really doesn’t seem to work for patients and please do not promise things that you don’t appear to be able to deliver. It really isn’t a safe level of care

Nightmare to get an appointment

October 21, 2021
A nightmare to get an appointment

Never able to get face to face appointments

October 7, 2021
Never able to get face to face appointments and they don't always phone back.

Not serving community.

September 29, 2021
It is now 28th September 2021 no flu jabs available. They will tell you when the arrive. I doubt it same last year ran out. Who does the ordering? Go to surgery shutters down no explanation why. All my friends have had theirs. Recommend good service at your pharmacy and much nicer staff.

Unable to get an appointment

September 14, 2021
Unable to get an appointment and covid 2nd jab delayed. Was told by receptionist that 14-15 weeks from first dose was acceptable, against JCVI guidelines recommended 8 weeks between jabs! Since have made a complaint but haven’t had a response, 3 months now.

Lacking in appointments

August 6, 2021
Lacking in appointments for people that work.

Unable to get dr appointment

August 6, 2021
Unable to get dr appointment, up to 45 minutes on hold when you telephone them, and sometimes they cut your call.
Wendy Butler

The service is shocking

August 6, 2021
You can't get an appointment by phone and definitely not face to face it takes at least 30 minutes to get through on the phone only to be told to call back after midday. The service is shocking

Worse than usual

June 10, 2021
Generally Terrible. Restrictions during the pandemic have made life difficult for all of us but the service here is worse than usual. I have recently phoned three surgeries for various reasons. Two of them answered and dealt with issues in a matter of minutes. At Shenley Green I have typically been on hold for thirty minutes or substantially longer before getting to talk to anybody. The response has sometimes been inadequate and inappropriate, if not confused and contradictory. They did not appear to know how to deal with mental health problems. Nor did they seem to offer any kind of photo or video consultation. Their response to recent contacts has delayed treatment and allowed conditions to deteriorate. I must say that some of the doctors are very good, if only you could get to talk to them when you need them.
Prize Draw Data – 14/4/21
Ric Cooper

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Shenley Green Surgery


0121 475 7997

22 Shenley Green
West Midlands
B29 4HH


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