Reviews (69)

Can't get appointments

September 26, 2022
Can't get appointments and it's too busy when you ring.

Its difficult to get an appointment

September 16, 2022
Its difficult to get an appointment. Other services are good.

Appointments and wrong prescriptions

August 1, 2022
My 88 year old Gran was having severe back pain so I tried for an entire week to get an appointment. After a while of trying we managed to get a phone consultation with a doctor. my mum had a face to face appointment at the surgery and instead of the doctor calling my gran, they just asked my mum her symptoms and provided her with antibiotics for a urine infection. After seeing no improvement and a worsening of her condition, we inquired further with the GP, again unable to get an appointment. As the pain was becoming unbearable we called 111 who told us to wait for a phonecall back from a local walk in centre who took 9 hours to call only to say call an ambulance. after calling the ambulance they advised us to take her to a&e. Now they have admitted her as she might have a fracture in her back bone and tests concluded she didnt have a urine infection at all. We could have just gone to a&e in the first place rather than having a sleepless, painful night!! I understand the services and resources are limited but it feels like we have been messed around and neglected. I dont understand why there is only one GP in the surgery at a time? This all could've been avoided if the GP just had seen her in the first place.


July 27, 2022
GP gave advice and if I had followed it, it would have killed me. They're atrocious. The receptionists don't do what they're meant to do.

Really good

July 27, 2022
They're really good. They actually gave me an appointment when I needed one. That's all you can hope for nowadays.

GP's helpful

July 19, 2022
The doctors were helpful to me, I was blind and they helped me to see everything and referred me to the hopsital. I sometimes have to wait a long time or I must go early in the morning otherwise I cannot see my GP.

40 mins in queue on phone

May 26, 2022
40 mins in queue on phone but asked to ring back at 8 am. Can only have phone appointment.

They are very nice and supportive

May 26, 2022
Regularly go there for check-ups. They are very nice and supportive all the times.

They don’t share relevant information

May 5, 2022
I was calling the prescription line and I came to know I can book prescription on email and its quick and easy. They should share this information over the counter. This is there problem they don’t share relevant information. GP is good.


March 13, 2022
I have been trying to contact them to get my results for a scan and also book a blood test receptionists keep fobbing me off

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Soho Road Health Centre - Dr Bathla & Partners


0121 545 1700

247-251 Soho Road
West Midlands
B21 9RY


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